Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ozone And Carbon Monoxide As Air Pollutants

Outdoor air pollution solutions have become equally important as indoor air pollution solutions. People need to understand the gravity of air pollution as a common threat faced by today’s generation. It is equally important to understand how to deal with the increasing air pollution outdoors as installing Hepa filter air purifiers in your houses as a protective measure to avoid health effects of indoor air pollution.

indoor air pollution solutions

Two of the major air pollutants, its sources and effects are mentioned below to raise awareness regarding the issue.

What is Ozone?

Ozone is an air pollutant that is found in two places, i.e the troposphere- near the ground and as a major constituent of smog. Ozone has been introduced to us as the protective layer of the atmosphere (the stratosphere layer that saved us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun), however, the ozone that pollutes the air is different than that.

What is the source of Ozone as a pollutant?

Ozone gas is not created directly. It is formed when but is formed when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds get to mix in the sunlight and thus are found mostly during the summer season. The source of nitrogen oxide as a major component of polluting ozone comes from the bringing of coal, gasoline, or other fossil fuels. The emission out of factories and trees also accounts for the release of certain volatile organic compounds.

What are the harmful effects of Ozone as an air pollutant?

The ozone that is found near the ground is a source of several health problems nowadays. It is one of the major factors responsible for increasing frequent asthma attacks in people who have asthma and can cause sore throats, coughs, and breathing difficulty which causes severe discomfort and health issues in the long run. It may even lead to premature death. Ozone can also hurt plants and crops. Therefore the need for installing Hepa filter air purifiers inside the house has become more important than ever due to the rising ozone levels in the air.

What is Carbon monoxide?

Carbon Mono oxide is an air pollutant that is released into the air during the burning of fossil fuels, mostly in cars. One cannot see or smell it however it can be somehow distinguished with a very faint smell in the air.

What are the sources of Carbon monoxide as an air pollutant?

Carbon monoxide is a pollutant in the air is released when engines burn fossil fuels. It occurs when one does not get their engines tuned properly to reduce vehicle emissions. This causes the fuel to not burn properly thus producing carbon monoxide. Cars are known to emit high concentrations of carbon monoxide, too, if they are not properly maintained therefore it is foremost important to get a pollution control check done to avoid air pollution.

What are the harmful effects of Carbon monoxide as an air pollutant?

Carbon monoxide inhibits the human body to breathe in oxygen. This oxygen is required for a human body’s organs to work properly. Exposure to this gas makes a person experience dizziness and tiredness inducing headaches. The high concentration of carbon monoxide in the air is fatal to human life. Elderly people with heart disease are hospitalized more often when they are exposed to higher amounts of carbon monoxide. Protective measure for outdoor air pollution has become equally important in addition to indoorair pollution solutions.

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