Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ozone And Carbon Monoxide As Air Pollutants

Outdoor air pollution solutions have become equally important as indoor air pollution solutions. People need to understand the gravity of air pollution as a common threat faced by today’s generation. It is equally important to understand how to deal with the increasing air pollution outdoors as installing Hepa filter air purifiers in your houses as a protective measure to avoid health effects of indoor air pollution.

indoor air pollution solutions

Two of the major air pollutants, its sources and effects are mentioned below to raise awareness regarding the issue.

What is Ozone?

Ozone is an air pollutant that is found in two places, i.e the troposphere- near the ground and as a major constituent of smog. Ozone has been introduced to us as the protective layer of the atmosphere (the stratosphere layer that saved us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun), however, the ozone that pollutes the air is different than that.

What is the source of Ozone as a pollutant?

Ozone gas is not created directly. It is formed when but is formed when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds get to mix in the sunlight and thus are found mostly during the summer season. The source of nitrogen oxide as a major component of polluting ozone comes from the bringing of coal, gasoline, or other fossil fuels. The emission out of factories and trees also accounts for the release of certain volatile organic compounds.

What are the harmful effects of Ozone as an air pollutant?

The ozone that is found near the ground is a source of several health problems nowadays. It is one of the major factors responsible for increasing frequent asthma attacks in people who have asthma and can cause sore throats, coughs, and breathing difficulty which causes severe discomfort and health issues in the long run. It may even lead to premature death. Ozone can also hurt plants and crops. Therefore the need for installing Hepa filter air purifiers inside the house has become more important than ever due to the rising ozone levels in the air.

What is Carbon monoxide?

Carbon Mono oxide is an air pollutant that is released into the air during the burning of fossil fuels, mostly in cars. One cannot see or smell it however it can be somehow distinguished with a very faint smell in the air.

What are the sources of Carbon monoxide as an air pollutant?

Carbon monoxide is a pollutant in the air is released when engines burn fossil fuels. It occurs when one does not get their engines tuned properly to reduce vehicle emissions. This causes the fuel to not burn properly thus producing carbon monoxide. Cars are known to emit high concentrations of carbon monoxide, too, if they are not properly maintained therefore it is foremost important to get a pollution control check done to avoid air pollution.

What are the harmful effects of Carbon monoxide as an air pollutant?

Carbon monoxide inhibits the human body to breathe in oxygen. This oxygen is required for a human body’s organs to work properly. Exposure to this gas makes a person experience dizziness and tiredness inducing headaches. The high concentration of carbon monoxide in the air is fatal to human life. Elderly people with heart disease are hospitalized more often when they are exposed to higher amounts of carbon monoxide. Protective measure for outdoor air pollution has become equally important in addition to indoorair pollution solutions.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Impact of Agriculture and Transport on Rising Air Pollution

Air pollution has become a burning issue in recent times pertaining to the fast pace that the quality of air is deteriorating at. The capital of India, Delhi has been facing a health emergency due to the rising air pollution. India being the second most populated country in the world has its own challenges when it comes to combatting the ever-rising air pollution. People have been installing top quality air purifiers as a necessity to safeguard themselves from the surrounding hazardous air.

Not just air pollution masks and air purifiers but people have also moved towards equipping best car air purifiers in their vehicles. While agriculture, industries, and households contribute to rising pollution, transport is another major factor.

The global transport sector accounts for almost one-quarter of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions and this proportion is rising. Air pollution emissions from transport have been linked to nearly 400,000 premature deaths. Almost half of all deaths by air pollution from transport are caused by diesel emissions, while those living closest to major traffic arteries are up to 12 percent more likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

Therefore reducing emissions from vehicles is an important intervention to improve air quality, especially in urban areas. People have been equipping the best car air purifiers to safeguard themselves from the pollution outside but at the same time, they must understand the necessity to switch to alternative methods to reduce air pollution emitted by their vehicles on the streets. Policies and standards set by the government that require the use of cleaner fuels and advanced vehicle emissions standards have the potential of reducing vehicle emissions by 90 percent or more.

Pollution from agriculture is another contributor to air pollution. The primary sources of air pollution from the agriculture sector include livestock that produces methane and ammonia; rice paddies that produce methane, and the burning of agricultural waste, which has been a major contributor to air pollution in recent times in the capital city, Delhi. Methane emissions contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, which causes asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Methane is another potent global warming gas than carbon dioxide as its impact is 34 times greater over a 100-year period. Agriculture, forestry and other land use make for 24 percent of all emitted greenhouse gasses.

There are plenty of alternative ways to reduce air pollution generated from agricultural activities. Opting for alternative methods that have lesser air pollution impact, reducing food waste, while farmers can reduce methane from livestock by optimizing feed digestibility and improving grazing and grassland management. 

It is high time that people start having a practical and environmentally safe approach towards everything they do as today; the world is on the brink of a global emergency. Top-quality air purifiers will only solve the temporary issue whereas the bigger issue is still upon us and is increasing every day. As responsible citizens, we must practice and promote environment-friendly ways. All it requires is dedication and understanding of the harmful effects that our most normal routine may be causing to the environment.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Indoor pollution is as much of a concern as outdoor pollution in India. With people adapting to the central air purification system for home as a necessity, it has become pretty clear that indoor air pollution needs immediate attention and resolution for a healthy lifestyle. People have been actively seeking the best anti-pollution masks to survive outdoor air pollution.

However, combatting indoor air pollution is much easier. The other ways that you can adapt to, to get rid of the indoor air pollution besides installing a central air purification system for home are:

1. Ensure that your home or office is fully ventilated.

A well ventilated house or office is the basic necessity for clean air inside the offices or houses where there is no central air purification system for home. It works well provided that the weather is not cold and the environment is free from smoke, emission or dust. Ventilation allows the circulation of fresh air and thereby reducing indoor air pollution.

2. Use Hair Sprays

Any cosmetic products with chemicals or having pollutants as residue in a space where there is proper ventilation. Using polishing substance and chemical blend products inside of your house and offices can serve as a source for indoor air pollution. Most of these substances such as hair sprays, cleaners, varnish, pesticides, laundry detergents, nail polish, and dyes are full of chemicals and should be used outside the house or at the well-ventilated area of the house. This is because most of the substances release impulsive organic compounds that can lead to innumerable health challenges such as allergens and lung cancer. Ensure that you pay close attention to the product’s labels before purchasing.

3. Make sure your gas stove is well-ventilated

One other way by which the air in our home gets contaminated is through the use of a gas stove that is not well-ventilated. While cooking at home, ensure the area is properly ventilated to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons that are produced due to incomplete combustion.

4. Avoid smoking indoors

Smoking indoors deteriorates the quality of air inside the house. This can lead to health issues for people who do not smoke as well as the air inside the house gets negatively infiltrated with all the toxins that release out of cigarettes. Many cancerous substances have been traced to smoking. Therefore smoking inside the office should be banned and so must be smoking inside a house to avoid health issues related to air pollution.

5. Use air scrubbers

Use a ventilation system if you do not have a central air purification system for home. These are usually known as air ventilators that remove the dangerous indoor air particles from inside the house. They are portable filtration system that draws in the air from the outside and filters the gases and toxin to bring in the fresh air and thus improving indoor air quality. It is mandatory keeping in mind the present air quality condition that one uses filters with HEPA filter as these are the most efficient ones.

With proper measures to practice indoors, people must wear the best anti-pollution mask of their choice to combat air pollution outside as well in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Alarming Rate of Air Pollution

Despite the government’s efforts to regulate polluting emissions from the industry and use alternate traffic mechanisms, the air condition continues to deteriorate. Delhi competes has emerged as the winner for the title of the city with the most polluted air in the country, according to a recent World Health Organization report. With this, the rise in installation of central air purification systems for home is at its all time high.

Other major cities of India with high levels of air pollution are Mumbai and Kolkata. However, the condition of the capital-Delhi is the worst at given point of time. The issue of air pollution poses the world’s worst environmental health risk and remains the leading cause of environmentally related deaths. As a recent UNEP report states, between 2005 and 2010, the death rate from outdoor air pollution rose by 4 per cent worldwide and by 12 per cent in India. Some of the major sources that foster air pollution include harmful emissions from traffic, power plants, industry, burning waste, cooking, and heating.

People have gradually started to realize the harmful effect of this polluted air and have been actively looking for protection outdoors as well besides installing central air purification systems at home. The market for pollution mask has been taking off as well. It’s a cat-fight amongst some brands to come up with the best air pollution mask in India to compete with the deteriorating air quality and its harmful effects but a very few have come up with effective products to actually safeguard people form the harmful PM 2.5, an air contaminating element that leads to breathing issues amongst individuals.

In the global environmental governance circles, India is known for the high levels of air pollution in major cities. At the United Nations, the issue has been raised repeatedly, including at the Paris climate talks in 2015, when scientists urged Indian government a ten-point plan to improve air quality. Among other measures, the report proposes to prevent seasonal agricultural burning by using crops residue to generate electricity, which is still a major source of fuel in the country.

With Urban population leaning towards central air purification systems for home, there is still a huge percentage of population who lack the means to invest in a huge investment like this. Some schools in the city of Delhi have come up with introducing best anti pollution masks in India as a part of their uniform to ensure the safety of the upcoming generation. It is about time that people move towards adapting these techniques to safeguard themselves from the harmful effects of existing Air pollution in the city.